Feng Shui Science


Q. Since Feng Shui Energy Flows are invisible, can one actually detect their presence, actions and qualities with a Dowsing instrument?

A. Yes. For successful results however, three conditions are required:

1. Awareness, 2. focus, and 3. an Operator using the right Dowsing Tool; especially when one works with the original Cameron Aurameter, which is the most sensitive Dowsing instruments ever invented.

Skilled Dowsing can demystify the all important and opposing nuances existing between positive and negative Chi Flows. Unseen, internal and external Chi movements and their behavior, properly understood, can easily be detected, altered and controlled to enhance and protect one’s immediate in-doors and out-of-doors environment.

Because so many subtle types of Chi continually operate within, through and around us, it is well that we only encourage the motion of harmonious flows. At the same time, for true balance, we must avoid those imperfect and stressful Chi energies that invite failure. Positive Chi can be thoroughly beneficial to one, or a group’s beingness in myriad ways. Negative Chi – on the other hand – is believed to induce hyper-activity, or its unfortunate opposite: Stagnantion….

In addition, a whole range of undesireable, Pathogenic Chi Forces, created by modern wiring, home and office appliances, must now be resolved. These accumulative radiations may be reinforced by the presence of Geopathic, Subterranean Irritation Zones. Geopathic emanations, are generally believed to be anti-life, accumulative and specifically known to produce long-term adverse effects.


As I look back over the years… in spite of centuries-old, deeply engraved, well documented Asian superstitions; plus the many varied schools of Feng Shui, all of which contain deep contradictions with one another; and further: insistence upon dogmatic, concretized beliefs that one must – or must not do this or that; here are some practical insights….

In our consultations, for successful results, based on countless testimonials, Davina and myself, firmly believe that at least three conditions lead this highly intuitive science:

1. Before the survey takes place, agreement is reached that the client’s are completely aware of the Feng Shui principles involved; followed by…

2. The need to produce both harmonious singular, and dual compatabilities between interior-external environments. And…

3. The client’s agreement to mainly focus on the application of auspicious remedies, instead of placing too much emphasis on easily corrected, inauspicious elements; those tricky negatives that may occur here and there in the in-door and out-of-doors living areas.